Arkahdia Arts has been contracted to create all the architectural decorations, statuary and water features for a pair restaurant/clubs in New Jersey.

The theme for these new nightspots will be ancient middle eastern. The Artwork and decor will include reproductions representing multiple past cultures including Egyptian, Assyrian, Persian, Israelite, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian.
We have been tasked with creating all architectural and Large Decorative Decor components for the inside and outside of the building. This includes Large Panels, Plaques, Columns, Crown Molding, Cladding, decorative surrounds, Ornate Lattice, Fountain Features, and many larger then life statues.
In conjunction with the client's Architect we have chosen many famous pieces from antiquity to reproduce as they looked when they were made 1000s of years ago. Over the coming weeks we will be showing you the process....
If you are interested in quality custom work for any size project you can contact Ed or Rich at 914 964 1427 or at info@arkahdiaarts.com.