Home Decor through casting

Site for discussion of Interior decorating with Arkahdia Arts Studio casted pieces, statues, columns, pedestals, Angels, Buddhas, corbels, sconses, busts, plaques, animal figures, and other decorative pieces for the inside and outside.

Saturday, December 27, 2008

The football player table desk is finally done.

It took our artists over a 6 weeks to make the master for the football lineman,
3 weeks to make a mold we can use for plaster and resin.
2 weeks to cast and dry the each lineman pedestals (they each weigh over 200 lbs each).

The pieces came out stunning!!!!

A pair of these NFL / NCAA style Football Players are shown here in our Baroque Bronze Finish under a piece of glass over 9 feet long. These NFL football lineman could actually support a piece of glass much more wide.

Want a pair of NFL football Player Pedestals for your own table or desk? contact us

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Monday, December 15, 2008

NCAA / NFL Football Player Table Bases
Are finally completed and ready for finishing....
Armando, Modesto, and Mario did a great job adjusting the statues of football linemen in a 3 point stance done by the artist.

Take a look at the unfinished pieces...

To make sure these football players in 3 point statues would operate well as a table bases, the back were flatten and the helmet was moved down slightly and the arm was moved out a little.

So if your a coach or former football player do not tell us the stance in our statue is slightly off, we know... But to make a tremendous base you need to have some artistic license.

In the next few days I will show you the finished football lineman statue Desk.

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Tuesday, December 09, 2008


It's Bully Pulpit Time again!

Ok, I was just watching the bail out of the 3 big car companies, and we all realize that the government is not going to be the ones to get us out of the recession!

I call on you in a clear and concise voice to say: "We will not let this economy roll over and kill more American companies!" I ask you to act in our own national interest join hands and save American Businesses.

Now I understand that at your home and place of business you want to freeze spending altogether and not spend at all, But this is a killer to all businesses. Look at it this way: company A does no business with company B and therefore company C gets no business, it creates a domino affect. Then Another Company A goes out of business because it has no business at all and owing money to company B which then has it's troubles paying company C forcing layoffs and less business for everyone. Another Domino effect!!!

I suggest we all adopt the following plan:
1) Don't stop ordering completely and not trying new product, Just put in small orders with a few companies (not allot just a small amount), lets reduce our minimums for our loyal good customers (I have done that this last week).
2) if you owe money to a supplier call them up and say I can't pay you all your money right now but I will make a small payment today towards it. And I will pay you as I go along. This allows them to plan liquidity problems and keeps you in good stead with them for the future.(I have had some of my customers do that)
3) Buy American (do I need to say more?)
4) Let's pass some deals (not liquidation crazy ones) to our clients to allow them to save some money to.

This plan will help stop the domino affect and get us through the bad times.

Alright I'm coming down from my pulpit... until next time....